Wednesday 9 March 2011


Ok! Well here I go...first ever blog!!

I was never really interested in doing blogging or anything like that - I thought twitter would suffice - but after reading my friend Laura's blog (Laura Anne Photography) I decided I might as well give it a go. The next thing I know, Elaine has jumped on the bandwagon and started blogging too!! (Elaine Hargreaves) I hope they appreciate that I'm promoting their blogs - HINT HINT!!

Anyways - even though this is my first blog I have absolutely no idea what to talk about. So I'll just talk about something I was thinking about earlier today - Lent.

Now if you know me, you'll know I am not religious - at all! I'm in fact the opposite in some ways. So I thought I would look at Lent in a different way too! You hear people talking about what they are "giving up" and what they are "stopping themselves from having" - and yes I do understand Lent is about giving something you like up just as that guy did for 40 days and 40 nights - and no im not talking about Josh Hartnett!! But to be fair I think a lot of people do it as a "health blast" - so my thinking is - if its for that health reason - why "give up" something? Why not "start something"?!

If you look at it this way - its like having a big red button with a sign that says "Do Not Push!" - you want to push it!! So saying you cant have something will make you want it more, yeah? My thinking is I'm not going to give anything up, or stop anything - I'm going to start doing things and eating things that will be beneficial in the long run.

I'm not giving up chocolate, takeaways, alcohol (haha at the thought of me giving up alcohol). I am starting to eat healthy, go to the gym more, go for walks etc...etc...

I'm not starving myself of the bad things, I'm filling myself with the good things!!

So to start all this off - I shall be going to the gym tomorrow with my friend Alex and if I get the craving for a piece of chocolate or a bottle of beer - I'll have it - but I'll be sure to balance it out with more exercise and healthy foods.

I've now got to the stage where I'm just talking a load of rubbish - so I shall end this blog here, and go get a cup of coffee - with sugar - NOT sweeteners!!
