Tuesday 6 September 2011

What to do...

You spend 3 years of your life working towards the goal of getting the best degree that you can. You get a degree that your happy with. You're full of hopes of getting your 'dream job'. You get a job that you think you'll be in while your searching for that dream job. You end up stuck in the "bridge job" still searching...months, even years later.

Sound familiar? Thought it might.

I heard an advertisement today for the university that i went to and it said something like 93% of graduates are in employment within 6 months of graduating from there. "Wow, sounds great" you might think, but I didnt fail to notice, it didn't state that the job was in any way related to their degree. It could be flipping burgers in McDonalds...

Don't get me wrong. Yes I do have a job. Yes the money is ok. Yes its a secure job in a HUGE organisation. However, No it isnt what I want. I know I should feel lucky to actually have a job when there are people all around the country doing everything they can just to get a job, if its minimum wage and the worst job you could imagine - I am grateful I have the comfort of my job - but its just not me.

To make things worse, where I live, finding a job related to my degree is like finding a winning lottery ticket. I'd have to commute at least 1 hour (each way) to find a job related to my degree, which would be less paid than my current job, would cost more to get there - therefore I'd be financially worth off. However is that such a bad thing?

Several months ago I was offered a job in Skipton (North West of Bradford/Leeds). It was my ideal job...a microbiologist working in a well established company. The pay was equal to what I am getting now, but I turned it town. Why? Location. I'd have to move away - which I am not that bothered about - but it was in the middle of no where. All you could see if you looked out of your window was field after field after field. Yeah it's all nice and countrysidish and all that jazz - but I was to be in a city. Manchester. London. Newcastle!!

I used to think I wanted to move away. Then I changed my mind as I started to think, 'I don't want to leave my family and friends', but now I'm starting to second think this. Yes I would be moving away from my family and friends - but, and I mean this without sounding harsh, so what?! I have a car - I'd visit all of the time. I'd invite them down. I'd probably see them as much as I do now!! 

I'm starting to lose focus. So I think I'll just sumarise. I want a job related to my degree. I'm happy to move away - as long as it's to a city. Yes I would miss my family and friends - but I love them so much that I would make every effort I could to see them as often of humanly possible. 

So if there is anyone who reads this who knows of any Biological/Microbiological jobs in Newcastle, Manchester, London etc...drop me a comment and if I get a job, I'll buy you a pint (or box of chocolates - its upto you!!)

Ciao for now!

Steven x

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